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An overwhelming amount of JOY was felt when this package arrived at the studio. Not only because it was filled with delicious goodies, but the beautiful words of kindess that came with it.
Thank you @Rough & Tumble Super Fans !
Just to share a few <3 ...

"making beautiful creations that make me smile."

"who knew bags would create friendship and happiness."

"we appreciate all of you especially the talented Makers."

"R&T brings so much joy to me and our community."

"you've made my bag dreams come true."

"I love that every bag is made by hand and how helpful you are in the custom process."

"thank you for all the awesome designs, creativity, and ingenuity behind these gorgeous bags!"

"each bag I own is a work of art put together with love."

"it is such a joy to know you all."

"thank you for the beauty you put into this world."

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